Server List

List of Romecraft-Themed and Inspired Servers!

ROMECRAFT: Legends of Rome - Official Texture Pack Server

Legends Of Rome

LoR is found on this website! Whitelist in our forums!

Your generic Minecraft RP server - officially created for the Romecraft Texture Pack by yours truly. This server is indeed a RP server meaning that you must build and behave as an ancient citizen. Fantasy and mysticism are strong on this server, with a focus on portraying Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and other civilizations and their legends. This makes for a fun and creative themed Minecraft experience!

Respublica Origines: Morientis Harenas


Respublica Origines is a hardcore RP server, dedicated to immersive RP experience in a Roman Republic setting. These folks strive for historical accuracy in their buildings, settings, and characters, and are definitely worth a visit if you are a Roman history lover!